Weiran Zhang

Hi, I'm Weiran Zhang. I work as a Senior Engineering Manager at Capital One. I have a passion for technology and building thriving software teams. This blog is where I write about things I find interesting. You can follow me on Mastodon.

I think the manager-free model only works for a business that has high margins and depends more on creating hits than cutting costs. The videogame business fits that model, as do many Internet businesses. And in both cases entrepreneurs can hire from anywhere in the world.

So here’s my summary: Management only exists to compensate for its own poor hiring decisions.

From the people that made Snapseed, a collection of Photoshop, Lightroom, and Aperture plugins designed for photo editing.

$149 is a great price for what’s included, but how long will Google stick with selling software like this? It’s not their business model and they’ve shown it takes very little for them to abandon an unsuccessful product.

Buy him out boys!

In June, 2010, I posted an essay on Core77 entitled ”Design Thinking: A Useful Myth.” Since my essay was posted, I keep encountering people…

I’m sure Google PR doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Eric Schmidt in not telling the truth shocker.

All of the vulnerabilities can be exploited without privilege and according to Paleari, stem from “Samsung-specific software and…

CCTV paid Chinese celebrities to post anti-Apple messages to Weibo to promote their “820 Party” TV programme. But one of the celebrities…

Last night, Apple approved the latest Hackers update. While the version number may have just increased by a paltry 0.0.1, you’ll find lots…

Brutal: “The voice over is terrible, the audience will fall aslepp” “This movie gets worse every screening” “Deckard at the piano is…

Apple, now the big player, has to take the hits that big players get: But that’s how news reporters increasingly are treating the state of…

Microsoft’s biggest weakness is that they still don’t realize how much they suck. They still think they can write software in house. Maybe…