Weiran Zhang

Hi, I'm Weiran Zhang. I work as a Senior Engineering Manager at Capital One. I have a passion for technology and building thriving software teams. This blog is where I write about things I find interesting. You can follow me on Mastodon.

It didn’t matter that every major U.S. electronics company assembles its products under the same working conditions — or worse. Or that Apple was actually doing something about them. (Tim Cook called the Times’ implication that Apple didn’t care what happened to its subcontractors’ workers “patently false and offensive.“)

The fact is, the New York Times knows how to win Pulitzers — better than any other journalistic operation. It has now won a record 112. It employs editors who specialize in identifying Pulitzer-winning topics and assigning reporters who will bring them home.

And that’s what it set out to do — with Apple as its conspicuous subject — in seven major stories capped with a self-serving kicker that suggested that it was Times’ reporting that led to substantive changes in the working conditions in China’s electronics factories:

I guess winning is a higher priority than being correct.

Glad to see Maddox back at his best.

Tablets can take pictures, but tablets can also slice cheese, stop doors from closing and fix wobbly tables. The day I start seeing people fix wobbly tables and slicing cheese with tablets is the day I’ll relax my stance on tablet photos. But don’t count on it.

Similar to last month’s BBC gaff, CNN reports that Siegel+Gale found in a ‘survey’ that Samsung Galaxy phones are simplier than iPhones…

The most interesting plan here is to use .search to operate a redirect service on the “on the ‘dotless’ .search domain (http://search/) that…

We did not interpret the content in question as involving any particular sexual orientation, and frankly that would have been a completely…

Matt Drance: Google knew what it was doing when it made and marketed Android as an “open” system. It surely anticipated forks by handset…

The New York Times: One of the group’s model bills, “The Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act,” prohibits filming or taking pictures on…

Devices using iOS 6.1 and later with VPN On Demand configured to “Always” will behave as if they were configured with the “Establish if…

What’s the one thing iOS lacks? No it’s not real multitasking, inter-app communication, or reliable data syncing. It’s never had an animated…

40 years since the first mobile phone call was made, the phones themselves have come a long way since. I’m not sure the Motorola Rokr and…

Yesterday, Tim Cook did something Steve Jobs hardly ever did, he apologised. Steve Jobs was a master at dealing with the press, he knew…

Just when you though Yahoo might be getting back on their game by appointing Marissa Meyer as their CEO and rejuvenating Flickr, they spend…